本题目来源于试卷: SL HL Topic D2.1 Cell division,类别为 IB生物学
3. Compare and contrast cytokion5 3tzvjpn18s )h)vx nesis in animal cellm+tb)1oyj vzf tn(m i1 7uo9;ms with cytokinesis in plant cellsn)mb9v7; tyu (z+j1m t om1foi
参考答案: Similarities:
Both involve the splitting of the cytoplasm.
Both involve the formation of two daughter cells.
Plant cell utilises vesicles, animal cell does not.
Vesicles assemble sections of membrane and cell wall in a plant cell. (not in animal cells).
Actin and myosin contract at cell equator of animal cell. (not in plant cells).
Contraction of actin and myosin pinches the membrane into two to form two cells in animals. (not in plant cells).