本题目来源于试卷: SL/HL Topic D1.2 Protein synthesis,类别为 IB生物学
8. A ribosome producej 3skyt7y (3 hr;uyl-zs a polypeptidep. tts:f) p6 pwzf lc/wzae4m:+tgg.2 sequence from a sequence of bases in the mRNA molecus) e4plc:w . ftg2f6 :mtwapz.tpz+/gle. Explain how a polypeptide chain elongates as the ribosome moves along an mRNA molecule.
参考答案: Elongation is the formation of the polypeptide chain.
tRNA molecules are attached to (corresponding) amino acids.
The tRNA anticodon binds to the mRNA codon/codon/anticodon binding (in the ribosome).
The amino acid forms a peptide bond with the previous amino acid in the polypeptide chain.
The ribosome moves down the mRNA molecule.
The polypeptide elongates one amino acid at a time.