本题目来源于试卷: SL/HL Topic D1.2 Protein synthesis,类别为 IB生物学
II. Explain why a point mutation of CAUz.fo-q 52uuo)gst;b s9/n ae q to Ccksv:3) k0z inAG would cause a change in the polypeptide sequence of a prot)nzkk3v: i 0scein but a point mutation of CAU to CAC would not cause any change in the polypeptide sequence.
参考答案: CAU is the codon for histone/His.
CAC is also a codon for histone/His.
CAG is the codon for glutamine/Gln/a different amino acid.
The genetic code is degenerate/more than one codon can be translated to the same amino acid. (Accept alternative phrasing)