本题目来源于试卷: gc textbook chapter 13 temperature and kinetic theory,类别为 IB物理学
Long steam pipes that are fixedsfn0qqjg-4;oall)0pz *vc 1v at the ends7e l09 lxsxnbfj,;g feg579q c often have a section in the shape of a U. Why?bq l 0ene xg99lf, 57jfs7;gxc
参考答案: The
steam pipe can have a large temperature change as the steam enters or leaves
the pipe. If the pipe is fixed at both
ends and the temperature changes significantly, there will be large thermal
stresses which might break joints. The
“U” in the pipe allows for expansion and contraction which is not possible at
the fixed ends. This is similar to the
joints placed in concrete roadway surfaces to allow expansion and contraction.