本题目来源于试卷: gc textbook chapter 13 temperature and kinetic theory,类别为 IB物理学
Freezing a can of soda will cause its botbu s+c y3zv-l9fy8z0vtom and top to bulge so badly)hev8 .-wkr g,oc dy gg2mmg9: the can will not staog g:)ym89cg k,md2hegw r.v-nd up. What has happened?
参考答案: The soda is mostly water. As water cools below 4$^{\circ} $C it expands. There is more expansion of the soda as it cools below 4$^{\circ} $C and freezes than there is available room in the can, and so the freezing soda pushes against the can surfaces hard enough to push them outward. Evidently the top and bottom of the can are the weakest parts.