本题目来源于试卷: gc textbook chapter 13 temperature and kinetic theory,类别为 IB物理学
Escape velocity for thqga 4s,e*ymdk( 0b kug*93q rne Earthud1e m8e0 yyp6(p2wtd refers to the minimum speed an object must have to leave the Earth and never return. The escape velocity for the Moon is about one-fifth what it is for the Earth due to the Moon’s smaller mass. Explain d(e2 e y1y8mt0wd6 pupwhy the Moon has practically no atmosphere.
参考答案: Because
the escape velocity is much smaller for the Moon than for the Earth, most gas
molecules even at low temperatures have a speed great enough to escape the
Moon’s gravity. Thus the atmosphere has
“evaporated” over the long time of the Moon’s existence.