本题目来源于试卷: gc textbook chapter 13 temperature and kinetic theory,类别为 IB物理学
Alcohol evaporates more quickly than water at room temperature.3/(i26qiw2dq5xk u gtw l:b2cdfv k/f Whapkf2d*f+luqo. v08, m. byqf bt can you infer about the molecular properties of one relative to thefo ykb+u0 2dv8q .l .,p*bmqff other?
参考答案: Since
the alcohol evaporates more quickly, the alcohol molecules escape “easier” than
the water molecules. One explanation
could be that the intermolecular forces (bonds) for alcohol are smaller than
those for water. Another explanation
could be that the alcohol molecules are moving more rapidly than the water
molecules, indicating that alcohol molecules are less massive than water
molecules. However, the simplest alcohol
(C$H_3$OH) has a molecular mass higher than that of water, so mass is probably
not the explanation.