本题目来源于试卷: gc textbook chapter 13 temperature and kinetic theory,类别为 IB物理学
Consider two days when the air temperature is the same but the humidity isxj* m*o5s9 efgry5og:lf n,g -+ fevmf1w4wqy8t 781 cgj-bbr different. Which is more dense, the dry a-bw f7wr y mf 8c1v1tqb4g+je8ir or the humid air at the same T? Explain.
参考答案: On a day when the relative
humidity is high, the percentage of air molecules that are water (as opposed to
$N_2$ or $O_2$ molecules) is increased.
Since the molecular mass of water is less than that of either $N_2$ or $O_2$,
the average mass of air molecules in a given volume will decrease, and thus the
density will be lower for the humid air.