Oxygen diffuses from the surface of insects to the interior throug pei66*gi8kb kh 7yq-(rvb goad3dt 2r-tiny tubes called tracheae. An average trachea is about 2 mm long and has cdryd(-t 3gao-7 qvr2b ross-sectional area of $ 2\times10^{-9 } m^2$ Assuming the concentration of oxygen inside is half what it is outside in the atmosphere,
(a) show that the concentration of oxygen in the air (assume 21% is oxygen) at 20$^{\circ} $ C is about 8.7 mol/$m^3$ then $\approx$ mol/$m^3$(Round to one decimal places)
(b) calculate the diffusion rate J, $ \times10^{-11 }$ mol/s
(c) estimate the average time for a molecule to diffuse in. Assume the diffusion constant is $ 1\times10^{-5 } m^2/s$ s