本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit5: Circular Motion & Gravitation,类别为 通用国际物理
A stone, of mass m, is attached to awhb1+ g(7 gfln strs2qb- kytl zn2zq5m )em,j) pws41)m dong string and whirled in a vertical circle of radius r. At the exact bottom of the path the tensizmqq1zd-)sst n2e)l 4 bjm5m,w y)2k pon in the string is 3 times the stone's weight. The stone's speed at this point is given by
A. $2\sqrt{gr}$
B. $\sqrt{2gr}$
C. $\sqrt{gr}$
D. $2gr$
参考答案: B