本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit5: Circular Motion & Gravitation,类别为 通用国际物理
At a distance of 14000 km fr;fy 5fmq;tagn vwdxk73(*8nz om some 9pp 9cxf snrn mr+0 9d+rnasd;w*-g. fplanet's center, the acceleration of gravity is +rf 9npp-sad+cn;*0gwsrmfr n.d9 x9$32 \; m/s^2$. What is the acceleration of gravity at a point 28000 km from the planet's center?
A. $8.0 \; m/s^2$
B. $16 \; m/s^2$
C. $128 \; m/s^2$
D. cannot be determined from the information given
参考答案: A