本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit7: Linear Momentum,类别为 通用国际物理
A proton, of mass m, at rest, is struck head-onwh qqt ;9qxqwy5ep5+ 1pii5 +k byajm2lk-ceny*)j3 m 7(rav3jc an alpha-particle (which consists of 2 protons and 2 neutrons) moving at speed v. If the collision is completely elastic, what speed will thj2jj3v k ya(me* acl3mn7)rc-e alpha-particle have after the collision? (Assume the neutron's mass equals the proton's mass.)
A. zero
B. 2v/3
C. 3v/5
D. 5v/3
参考答案: C