本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit8: Rotational Motion,类别为 通用国际物理
A 0.300-kg mass, attacheey1.84l7j *fehohg jk d to the end of a 0.750-m string, is wh:dhkv bv04h7,wbit.xi . )wg firled around in a smooth w b7x.4vd) . hw0ihv:bgikt,flevel table. If the maximum tension that the string can withstand is 250 N, then what maximum linear speed can the mass have if the string is not to break?
A. 19.4 m/s
B. 22.4 m/s
C. 25.0 m/s
D. 32.7 m/s
参考答案: C