本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit9: Static Equilibrium, Elasticity and Fracture,类别为 通用国际物理
Consider two identica7e hm 6bx)k 4us1r;vmul br(: 0 qve7efihricks, each of dimensions 20.0 cm x 10.0 cm x 6.0 cm. One is stace7(hq:ir fe0v ked on the other, and the combination is then placed so that they project out over the edge of a table. What is the maximum distance that the end of the top brick can extend beyond the table edge without toppling?
A. $7.5 \; cm$
B. $10 \; cm$
C. $12.5 \; cm$
D. $15 \; cm$
参考答案: D