本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit9: Static Equilibrium, Elasticity and Fracture,类别为 通用国际物理
Two children sit on o3.n)onyn81q hf*s- kqeh m4gj pposite ends of g uh4- da yh*c7(3 4 rbh8p;gxkasqt7ba uniform seesaw which pivots in the center. Child A has mass 60 kg and sits 2.0 m from the center. Child B has mass 40 kg. How far from the center must child B sit fo8 74-hqar;a*ydp hbct guk 74(hbxs3gr the seesaw to balance?
A. $1.3 \; m$
B. $2.5 \; m$
C. $3.0 \; m$
D. cannot be determined without knowing the seesaw's mass
参考答案: C