本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit9: Static Equilibrium, Elasticity and Fracture,类别为 通用国际物理
A passenger van has an outer wheel base width of 2.00 m. Itwa tk47gko vwdk7;(-j nfs7x,s center of gr-7hzh+cu2 cps avity is equidistant from the sides, and positioned 1.20 m above the ground. What is the maximum sideways angle at which it can be inclined without tippingcs2hph+ uc-z7 over?
A. $32.6^{\circ}$
B. $39.8^{\circ}$
C. $50.2^{\circ}$
D. $57.3^{\circ}$
参考答案: B