本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit10: Fluids Related Topics,类别为 通用国际物理
A piece of wood is floatientud9*6r qybg(p( l 2/g3v7y yvs9 fvng in a bathtub. A second piece of wood sits on top 3u xlcyrne9q9z:f(ac* jh0wl6p4m.g of the first piece, and does not touch the water. If the top piece is taken off and placed in the water, what happens to the waterafjg( r .py3n9cw*:4clm 690qh le uxz level in the tub?
A. It goes up.
B. It goes down.
C. It does not change.
D. cannot be determined from the information given
参考答案: C