本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit10: Fluids Related Topics,类别为 通用国际物理
When a small spherical rock of radius r ikxwtb e6u+1 52-t86sxwt jwhfalls through water, it-rhno e a4.7;b ,tro+nwn0ayg experiences a drag fg wbrh4nrt no +;y-o,e0n 7a.aorce $F=arv$, where $v$ is its velocity and $a$ is a constant proportional to the viscosity of water. From this, one can deduce that if a rock of diameter 2.0 mm falls with terminal velocity, $v$, then a rock of diameter 4.0 mm will fall with terminal velocity .
A. $v$
B. $1.4 \; v$
C. $2.0 \; v$
D. $4.0 \; v$
参考答案: D