本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit10: Fluids Related Topics,类别为 通用国际物理
A polar bear of mass 200 kgt4.h0a )l v ypd34pwcf33bjfg stands on an ice floe 100 cm thick. Whawu ywtg-409-osf .srgjxjg)m)oe m s:tjh0.(t is the minimum area of the floe that will just support the bear in saltwater of specific gravity 1.03? The specific gravity jus 0x)) - f:( hgs mo4wm9rsjt.g. jyg-o0ewtof ice is 0.98.
A. $1.0 \; m^{2}$
B. $2.0 \; m^{2}$
C. $3.0 \; m^{2}$
D. $4.0 \; m^{2}$
参考答案: D