本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit11: Vibrations and Waves,类别为 通用国际物理
Increasing the spring cmp; gq ilect* ut) zt*fy;01d-xk, 6ubonstant k of a mass-and-spring syste 7ojg) tas(0e0bxxdo++y (zkgm causes what kind of change in the resonant frequency of the system? (Assume no)d+ex ok0+ t7z0sogyagx(b(j change in the system's mass m.)
A. The frequency increases.
B. The frequency decreases.
C. There is no change in the frequency.
D. The frequency increases if the ratio k/m is greater than or equal to 1 and decreases if the ratio k/m is less than 1.
参考答案: A