本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit12: Sound,类别为 通用国际物理
Sound traveling in aa) ig,c9srmoqc5 *p 5;pwbcxfg47u.c.bqh4 t51svtw ir at $23 \; ^{\circ}C$ enters a cold front where the air temperature is $2 \; ^{\circ}C$. If the sound frequency is 1500 Hz, determine the wavelength in the warmer air and in the colder air.
A. 0.230 m, 0.221 m
B. 0.221 m, 0.230 m
C. 0.321 m, 0.254 m
D. 0.254 m, 0.321 m
参考答案: A