本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit14: Heat,类别为 通用国际物理
A cup of water is scooped u,3(124b wj lieevlfocq9*tn xp from a s-nz n2xf7po+ z 37p72fxdmqzewimming pool of water. Compare the temperature T and the internal energy U of the water, in both the cup and the swiq7 m3ezopxn2 xz2d+n-pz77f f mming pool.
A. $T_{Pool}$ is greater than $T_{Cup}$, and the U is the same.
B. $T_{Pool}$ is less than $T_{Cup}$, and the U is the same.
C. $T_{Pool}$ is equal to $T_{Cup}$, and $U_{Pool}$ is greater than $U_{Cup}$.
D. $T_{Pool}$ is equal to $T_{Cup}$, and $U_{Pool}$ is less than $U_{Cup}$.
参考答案: C