本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit14: Heat,类别为 通用国际物理
It is a well-known fact that water has a higher specif:pb,u x3fpoi 0ic heat capacity thom*9eriynll4-v f )q :an iron. Now, consider equal masses of water and iron that are initially in thermal equilibrium. The same amount of heat, 30 calories, is added to each. Whiyv)o l4l9 q:*efn- mrich statement is true?
A. They remain in thermal equilibrium.
B. They are no longer in thermal equilibrium; the iron is warmer.
C. They are no longer in thermal equilibrium; the water is warmer.
D. It is impossible to say without knowing the exact mass involved and the exact specific heat capacities.
参考答案: B