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Physics Unit14: Heat (id: 550018524)

admin 发表于 2024-2-5 21:16:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit14: Heat,类别为 通用国际物理

A thermally isolated system is )y)-k 6aah9x au k4+eqyj ,yzumade up of a hot /4lg.pne +r4lj;ouj t piece of aluminum and a cold piece of copper; the aluminum and the c gu/ ;tej 4+nl.opl4jropper are in thermal contact. The specific heat capacity of aluminum is more than double that of copper. Which object experiences the greater magnitude gain or loss of heat during the time the system takes to reach thermal equilibrium?

A. the aluminum
B. the copper
C. Neither; both experience the same size gain or loss of heat.
D. It is impossible to tell without knowing the masses.

参考答案:  C

本题详细解析: 暂无




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