本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit14: Heat,类别为 通用国际物理
A spaceship is driftinne;q1)hq vig3lr/(bh:syw + sg in an enviriqkj b9k7-2q:c;xvpgt cg* ,uonment where the acceleration of gravity is essentially zero. As the air on one side of g,q;g pq:u-ck 9kvic2* j7txbthe cabin is heated by an electric heater, what is true about the convection currents caused by this heating?
A. The hot air around the heater rises and the cooler air moves in to take its place.
B. The hot air around the heater drops and the cooler air moves in to take its place.
C. The convection currents move about the cabin in a random fashion.
D. There are no convection currents.
参考答案: C