本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit14: Heat,类别为 通用国际物理
In grinding a steel knif:onk.6f a 7thxe blade (specifigk4k;)ea hvv -c heat = $0.11 \; cal/g \cdot ^{\circ}C$), the metal can get as hot as $400 \; ^{\circ}C$. If the blade has a mass of 80 g, what is the minimum amount of water needed at $20 \; ^{\circ}C$ if the water is not to rise above the boiling point when the hot blade is quenched in it?
A. $22 \; g$
B. $33 \; g$
C. $44 \; g$
D. $55 \; g$
参考答案: B