本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit14: Heat,类别为 通用国际物理
The thermal conductib. wk5;kct0 .uwa0joq5t d+ +c,)ok,g ko9sjkfkz.br f,u j(evity of concrete is $0.8 \; W/m \cdot ^{\circ}C$ and the thermal conductivity of wood is $1.1 \; W/m \cdot ^{\circ}C$. How thick would a solid concrete wall have to be in order to have the same rate of flow through it as an 8-cm thick wall made of solid wood? (Assume both walls have the same surface area.)
A. $53 \; cm$
B. $64 \; cm$
C. $71 \; cm$
D. $85 \; cm$
参考答案: B