本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit14: Heat,类别为 通用国际物理
In an electric furnace used focuj.w9un *7 m1v s8kawr refining steel, the o26 lsp 7t *7pe8iiopqtemperature is monitored by measuring the radiant power sp7 7oiq2eptoi*8lp6 emitted through a small hole of area $0.5 \; cm^{2}$. The furnace acts like a blackbody radiator. If it is to be maintained at a temperature of $1650 \; ^{\circ}C$, at what level should the power radiated through the hole be maintained?
A. $20 \; W$
B. $30 \; W$
C. $40 \; W$
D. $50 \; W$
参考答案: C