本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit14: Heat,类别为 通用国际物理
What temperature exists inside a solar collect sd0-zx1g o-f(zuygg1 or (effec)xqse4dj*v 8kj g h +lql654eytive collection area of $15 \; m^{2}$) on a bright sunny day when the outside temperature is $+20 \; ^{\circ}C$? Assume that the collector is thermally insulated, that the Sun radiates the collector with a power per unit area of $600 \; W/m^{2}$, and that the collector acts as a perfect blackbody.
A. $73 \; ^{\circ}C$
B. $93 \; ^{\circ}C$
C. $107 \; ^{\circ}C$
D. $154 \; ^{\circ}C$
参考答案: B