本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit18: Electric Currents,类别为 通用国际物理
The temperature coefficient of resistivis/qd)tgl3eyb jc 0. +pty of plati u k;8vew-b*k64 ja 2seadb1 gw:q;dsinum is $3.9 \times 10^{-3} /^{\circ}C$. If a platinum wire has a resistance of R at room temperature ($23 ^{\circ}C$), to what temperature must it be heated in order to double its resistance to 2R?
A. $279 ^{\circ}C$
B. $297 ^{\circ}C$
C. $729 ^{\circ}C$
D. $927 ^{\circ}C$
参考答案: A