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Space Time & Motion A.5 Special Relativity (id: a7a057f8b)

admin 发表于 2024-2-5 17:50:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Space Time & Motion A.5 Special Relativity,类别为 IB物理学

Observations of muon decay can be used as evidence of

I. Time Dilation
II. Length Contraction
III. Absolute Simultaneity

A. statement I only
B. statement II only
C. statements I and II only
D. statements II and III only

参考答案:  C

Muons have a very short lifetime to reach the earth's surface from the upper atmosphere. But they are abundant on the Earth’s surface. This observation can be explained in two ways: Due to time dilation, from the perspective of muons, time passes more slowly, allowing them to cover more distance during their short lifetime. Alternatively, due to length contraction, the distance that muons need to travel to reach the Earth appears shorter from their perspective.




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