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Space Time & Motion A.5 Special Relativity (id: fe6340be8)

admin 发表于 2024-2-5 17:50:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Space Time & Motion A.5 Special Relativity,类别为 IB物理学

Which of the following postulates has the consequence of time and space not being absolute?

A. $\ $Newton's laws of motion are the same in all reference frames
B. $\ $The relative velocity of two inertial frames of reference is constant
C. $\ $The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames
D. $\ $The speed of light in a vacuum is constant in all inertial reference frames

参考答案:  B

Explanation ​ The speed of light is a fundamental constant accomf3 15 y4cfkp;9r tqgfrding to the postulate in D. It does not change for the observers that move at different velocities. Consequences of this include time dilation and length contraction. This indicates there is no single universal reference frame in which time and s1t5 rmp4f3k ;cfg9fq ypace are absolute.




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