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Particulate Nature of Matter B.4 Thermodynamics (id: b98f7dad3)

admin 发表于 2024-2-9 01:21:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Particulate Nature of Matter B.4 Thermodynamics,类别为 IB物理学

The pV diagram shows t l;im (lqo 1cn) bk /ty-r)yhb*13vwyu7s3erphe cycle r -:d6o2hzpuq of an engine. The processes $B$→$C$ and $D$→$A$ are adiabatic and all processes are reversible.

Which of the following statements about the engine are correct?
I.The net change of the internal energy of the gas is zero.
II.The total change of entropy of gas during one cycle is zero.
III.During one full cycle, net work is done on the gas.

A. $I$ only
B. $II$ only
C. $I$ and $II$ only
D. $I$ and $III$ only

参考答案:  C


The net change in the internal energy of a cyclic process is zero because it returns to its original temperature after each cycle. This means that statement I is correct.

The total change in entropy is zero for any reversible cycle. This means that statement II is correct as the gas returns to its original state each cycle.

The graph is for a heat engine, which takes in heat and does work on the environment. Therefore statement III is incorrect. A clockwise cycle always does net positive work on the environment.




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