The circuit below consists of a cell and two i7fp1wfk/ ygn c7r8n *ndentical resistorqcxvw8g-kr)0nq 0 c:nqc *)rh0za2 jls in parallel, with an ideal ammeter in onjrrg)zq0:ac 2x)cn*nw-q k8vql c0h0e of the branches. The current in this branch is $I_1$ and the current in the other branch is $I_2$.
If the ideal ammeter is replaced by a real ammeter, what will be the effect on currents $I_1$ and $I_2$?
A. $I_1$Decreases; $I_2$Decreases
B. $I_1$Increases; $I_2$Stays the same
C. $I_1$Decreases; $I_2$Increases
D. $I_1$Decreases; $I_2$Stays the same