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Wave Behavior C.1 Simple Harmonic Motion (id: f816a68bc)

admin 发表于 2024-2-10 01:21:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Wave Behavior C.1 Simple Harmonic Motion,类别为 IB物理学

For an object undergoing simple 6nlo ty8up 91y.ls qrf n9c5)rharmonic oscillation, the graphs show the vu 0bz f7h-gp5hariation of two quantifg uh-z5h0p7bties for the object with time t。

Which two quantities could be represented by these graphs?

A.  Graph I Kinetic energy; Graph II Potential energy
B.  Graph I Velocity; Graph II Acceleration
C.  Graph I Acceleration; Graph II Displacement
D.  Graph I Velocity; Graph II Displacement

参考答案:  C


C: Correct. In simple harmonic motion, acceleration and displacement always have opposite directions and are proportional

A: Incorrect. Since total energy is the sum of kinetic and potential energies, and the total energy is conserved, so at the time kinetic energy is zero the potential energy must have the maximum value. Since that's not represented in graphs I and II, A is not a correct answer

B: Incorrect. Velocity will be zero at positions of maximum magnitude of acceleration, considering that acceleration and displacement are proportional in magnitude and opposite in direction. So B is not a correct answer.

D: Incorrect The graph of velocity variation with time can be concluded from the slope of displacement variation with time, so the velocity will be zero at positions of maximum magnitude of displacement. Which makes D not a correct answer.




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