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Wave Behavior C.3 Refraction Diffraction Superposition Interference (id: d9b2297

admin 发表于 2024-2-7 21:19:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Wave Behavior C.3 Refraction Diffraction Superposition Interference,类别为 IB物理学

A light and a heavy spring are attached at pnvvcrs/ ar(;) ix) ;cqo;uy,use*4aumj ccz4m 8fp 2 )cint $Y$. A pulse was generated in the light spring and incident on the heavy spring. The positions of transmitted and reflected pulses after some time are as shown.

Which of the following is true about the incident pulse?

A. Positive displacement Positive displacement ;Larger amplitude than reflected pulse
B. Positive displacement;Smaller amplitude than reflected pulse
C. Negative displacement;Larger amplitude than reflected pulse
D. Negative displacement;Smaller amplitude than reflected pulse

参考答案:  C

The energy of the incident pulse is shared with reflected and transmitted pulses. Therefore, the amplitude of the incident pulse should be greater than the one of the reflected pulse. Pulses are inverted after reflection from the heavy boundaries. Hence, the incident pulse should have a negative displacement. Therefore the answer is C.




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