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Wave Behavior C.3 Refraction Diffraction Superposition Interference (id: 8db4f21

admin 发表于 2024-2-7 21:19:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Wave Behavior C.3 Refraction Diffraction Superposition Interference,类别为 IB物理学

Two water waves with the same amplitude are traveling towards each other. The water level against position graph of one water wave is shown below. The equilibrium water level is $5\,cm$.

What are the maximum and minimum water levels when the two waves overlap?

A. Maximum water level is 14cm;Minimum water level is 6 cm
B. Maximum water level is 9cm;Minimum water level is 6 cm
C. Maximum water level is 14cm;Minimum water level is 1 cm
D. Maximum water level is 9cm;Minimum water level is 1 cm

参考答案:  D

The principle of superposition states that the resultant wave is the sum of displacement from equilibrium of each wave.
The amplitude of the wave is the maximum displacement from equilibrium, which can be read off the graph as $7\,cm−5\,cm=2\,cm$.
Since each of the waves have an amplitude of $2\,cm$ and the equilibrium water level is $5\,cm$, after superimposing the two waves we find that the amplitude of the resultant wave is $4\,cm$.
Therefore, the maximum and minimum water levels can be determined as: 5 cm+4 cm=9 cm for the maximum level and 5 cm−4 cm=1 cm for the minimum level.




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