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Fields D.3 Motion in Electromagnetic Fields (id: 3fd388b5f)

admin 发表于 2024-2-12 08:43:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Fields D.3 Motion in Electromagnetic Fields,类别为 IB物理学

The diagram shows a cross sectional view of a current carrying wire. The current direction is out of the plane of the paper.

1.Draw the magnetic field lines due to this wire.
second wire carrying current $B$ is placed near wire $A$.

The current in wire $A$ is $10A$, while in wire $B$ is $12A$. The length of wire $B$ within the magnetic field of $A$ is $1m$.
2.(1)Draw an arrow representing the direction of the force $F$ on wire $B$ due to the magnetic field of wire $A$.
The magnetic field $B$ of wire $A$ can be found using the following formula
where $r$ is the distance from the wire.
(2)If the distance between wires $A$ and $B$ is $0.1\,cm$, calculate the magnitude of the magnetic force on wire $B$ due to the magnetic field of wire $A$. State an appropriate unit for your answer. F =    N
3.A third wire $C$ is placed between wires $A$ and $B$.

The total force on wire $C$ due to $A$ and $B$ makes it move to the right as shown.
Determine the direction of the current of wire C. Justify your answer.

参考答案: 0.024±2%





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