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Fields D.3 Motion in Electromagnetic Fields (id: bda2e18e9)

admin 发表于 2024-2-12 08:43:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Fields D.3 Motion in Electromagnetic Fields,类别为 IB物理学

A charged particle is moving horizontally when it enters an electric field between two parallel plates. The path followed by the particle when it passes through the plates is shown. Assume gravitational effects to be negligible.

Which statements are correct about the charged particle?
I. The particle is positively charged.
II. A magnetic field in a direction into the page could cause the charged particles to move horizontally without deflection.
III. A magnetic field in a direction out of the page could cause the charged particles to move horizontally without deflection.

A. Only $II$
B. $I$ and $II$ only
C. $I$ and $III$ only
D. Neither

参考答案:  B

I. Correct: Since the particle is deflected toward to negative plate it is positively charged.
II. Correct: In order not to be deflected magnetic force acts on the particle should be upwards. According to the right hand rule the magnetic field should be into the page.
III. Incorrect: In order not to be deflected magnetic force acts on the particle should be in upwards. According to the right hand rule magnetic field should be into the page.




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