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Scientific Skills & Tools (id: 670b08a87)

admin 发表于 2024-2-15 10:40:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Scientific Skills & Tools,类别为 IB物理学

1.A student investigates the variation of gas pre*tqbz *r0ip*obfpr -0w2e 6kxssure with volume at a consta /j.lojp )lwj,p ar-c3nt temperature. Air is trapped inside a gas syringe with a constant cross sectionaj.ro-)l/ cp jpa3j,wll area of A The plunger of the gas syringe is tied to a mass holder. The student measures the volume Vof the trapped gas for different hanging masses with the external constant air pressure,$P_A$ remaining constant.

1.After each increase in mass, the student waits for some time to measure the volume of the gas. Outline why this is necessary.

The recorded data is plotted on a graph:

2.Draw the line of best fit for the plotted data.
3.Determine the gradient of the graph.  $\times10^{-3}cm^3g^{-1}$
2.Theory suggests that
where m is the total mass of the plunger and hanging masses, g is the acceleration of free fall and k is a constant.
1.Determine the unit of k in SI base units.
2.Calculate the percentage uncertainty of the volume V when the mass m is 700 g.  %
3.In a particular experiment, the researcher measures
m=0.700±0.005 kg,
g=$9.81\pm0.01\ ms^{-2}$
Calculate the absolute uncertainty of $\frac{mg}{A}$. 

空格1: 1.29空格2: 6.9空格3: $68670\pm7416$





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