The circuit shown is used to measure the internal resistanc g+ssr meq(0iqb)vg ( u91nomp8p:zs4e of a cell. e4e*hw5 p+c okThe voltmeter and the wk5ceph*e+o 4 ammeter used are ideal.
1. 1.Differentiate between precise and accurate measurements.
2.The voltmeter used has a zero error. State the type of uncertainty this will introduce into the voltmeter's measurements.
2. 1.The graph shows the variation of the voltmeter's reading with current.
Determine the emf of the cell.
2.Estimate the internal resistance of the cell including its uncertainty. $\Omega$
3.Determine whether the zero error in the voltmeter will affect the calculated value of the internal resistance. Justify your answer.