本题目来源于试卷: Nuclear & Quantum Physics E.2 Quantum Physics,类别为 IB物理学
In a laboratory experr3 iwjxzq8os5d 3/gn* iment,p/5) uwv.dknn1zcd; t $n$ moles of photons of wavelength $λ$ are normally incident every second per square meter on a solar sail. Which of the following expressions correctly states the photo-pressure on the solar sail, given that the photons are reflected elastically.
A. $\frac{h}{λ}$
B. $\frac{2h}{λ}$
C. $(n)(N_A)\frac{h}{λ}$
D. $(n)(N_A)\frac{2h}{λ}$
参考答案: D