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Nuclear & Quantum Physics E.3 Radioactive Decay (id: b4e332c80)

admin 发表于 2024-2-7 00:09:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Nuclear & Quantum Physics E.3 Radioactive Decay,类别为 IB物理学

1.Define decay const c/6beh0 by3yha/osrfrz:+guuv0 3wrbzk iy p0ub*)6 .nt.
2.Mushrooms contain a radioactive element called caesium-137, $^{137}_P{55}$​Cs . The element has a half-life of 30$yr$ and a sample of living mushrooms has a constant decay rate of 2000 2000Bq for every kg of mass. A sample of 50g is extracted from a dried mushroom and the activity is measured as 0.80Bq.
(1)Caesium-137 decays to barium-137, $^{137}_{56}Ba$, by beta emission. Complete the nuclear reaction equation of this decay, showing both particles emitted in the decay.
$^{137}_P{55}$​Cs→ ______ +$^{137}_{56}Ba$ + ______
(2)Show that the decay constant of caesium-137 is about 0.023 $yr^{−1}$.
(3)Given that the amount of caesium in the mushroom stops being replenished once the mushroom is no longer living, determine the age of the dried mushroom.
3.Some other radioactive substances have half-lives of thousands of years. Outline the method used for determining the half-life of these kinds of substances.


本题详细解析: 暂无




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