本题目来源于试卷: Nuclear & Quantum Physics E.5 Stellar Properties & Processes,类别为 IB物理学
Which of the followinl(rnkn(0f3myt (3joj g is cllsyjmvfaxi/;jy+8s7 u+6k5rcn 4 w-jd dm( )orrect for a stable star?
A. Inwards force due to radiation pressure equals the outwards force due to gravitational attraction
B. Inwards force due to radiation pressure is greater than the outwards force due to gravitational attraction
C. Inwards force due to gravitational attraction equals the outwards force due to radiation pressure
D. Inwards force due to gravitational attraction is greater than the outwards force due to radiation pressure
参考答案: C
Explanation: To be a stable star, outwards and inwards forces must be balanced. Outwards force is the result of the pressure of radiation and temperature while the inwards force is formed due to gravitational attraction.