本题目来源于试卷: What Drives Chemical Reactions D.1 Measuring Enthalpy Changes,类别为 IB化学
Which of the followifwv.ij6(swz 1ybww 17 ng is ti, q3yiwgkdl46)4tg*.ieeb nrue in exothermic reactions?
A. Heat transfer from surrounding to system
B. Heat transfer from system to surrounding
C. No change
D. Heat transfer from surrounding to surrounding
参考答案: B
An exothermic reaction is one in which hea (:y/sw(p qc;.x fudgy;at, wa .gu7zt5v tml:t energy is transferred from system to surroundings. Endothermic reaction is ug;(fma5x pgl. ytdswv.ca:q ,z; t/t w:y7u(one in which heat energy is transferred from surroundings to system.