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Space Time & Motion A.2 Forces & Momentum (id: b8e591887)

admin 发表于 2024-2-9 18:41:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Space Time & Motion A.2 Forces & Momentum,类别为 IB物理学

washing machine contains a cylinder that c6w dqd-7 -2iw; khwrxwtipzqd,y0i3 3 di8s(3 g:faqbarries clothes and rotates in a circular motion about a horizontal axis as sho q,di:a(3f i3i3s ypq0t gzbd8wn in the diagram. Frictional forces act between the clothes and the inner surface of the cylinder.

The radius of the cylinder is 0.27m and its linear speed of rotation of the outside of the cylinder is$1.6ms^{-1}$
1.Draw the free body diagram for the piece of clothing at the position shown.
2.1The laundry machine cylinder is designed to make the piece of clothing lose contact with the cylinder at an angle θ above the horizontal as shown.

The free body diagram for the piece of clothing at this position is given below.

Give an expression for the centripetal force at the position shown. 
2.Calculate the angular speed, expressing your answer to the correct number of significant figures  $rads^{-1}$
3.Show that θ=75° when the piece of clothing loses contact with the cylinder.
4.Determine the time taken for a piece of clothing to move from the lowest point of the cylinder (point A) to the point where it loses contact.  s

空格1: $N+mg\sin \theta$空格2: 5.9空格3: 0.49





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