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Space Time & Motion A.2 Forces & Momentum (id: c8bcb9ad9)

admin 发表于 2024-2-9 18:41:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Space Time & Motion A.2 Forces & Momentum,类别为 IB物理学

A jet of water with a * ax(w6/:)vesb upbyfrqt;d/ cross sectionnx w9/(g tgtcjk1h: iin2 l5/dal area of A strikes perpendicular to a wall at a speed of v After the collision, the water loses all of its horizontal speed and falls to the ground. The magnitude of the force created on the wall due to the water is F Which expression give the density jgwn/i kn2 9 x:tt1( c5h/ilgdof the water?

A. $\frac{F}{Av^2}$
B. $\frac{F}{Av}$
C. FAv
D. $FAv^2$

参考答案:  A



Considering the mass of water that strikes the wall in 1 second:

  • m=ρV

where ρ is the density of the water and V is the volume of the water.

Assigning the length of the column of water to be l

  • m=ρAl

But l=vt and t=1, therefore l =v


  • m=ρAv

After the impact, the horizontal velocity of the jet is zero.

  • F=ΔpΔt and  Δt=1

  • F=Δ(mv)1=mΔv =(ρAv)v = ρAv2

Rearranging gives

  • ρ=FAv2




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