本题目来源于试卷: How Much How Fast & How Far E.2 Rate of Chemical Change,类别为 IB化学
Which of the following determines the frequency factor, A, in the Arrhenius equation?
A. The frequency of collisions in which molecules lose kinetic energy
B. The frequency of collisions in which molecules form a transition state
C. The frequency of collisions in which molecules have the correct orientation to react
D. The frequency of collisions in which molecules exceed the activation energy
参考答案: C
C Students should be aware of the definition of frequency factor. However, questions on this topic are somewhat uncommon, and students could confuse this concept with the idea that molecules capable of successful collision lie above $E_a$ in a Boltzmann distribution (leading them to select option D). The difficulty level is therefore at the higher end of the “easy” range.