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Unity and Diversity A.1 Water (id: 3761d931e)

admin 发表于 2024-2-9 00:15:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Unity and Diversity A.1 Water,类别为 IB生物学

Which of the following is a reason that the Earth is considermfz95v 4(wdv ied to be in x6 ppaf :rl/i.wk5fc-‘The Goldilocks zone’, but Saturn is notx :cp f6rwpil/ak-.5f ?

A. The Earth is at an optimal distance from the Sun for water to be in three states, whereas Saturn has rings of ice
B. Saturn is able to form rings, but the Earth does not have rings
C. The Earth is at an optimal distance from the Sun for water to remain liquid, whereas Saturn is not
D. The Sun is visible from Earth but not from Saturn

参考答案:  C

The Goldilocks zone, or the habitabl; 8du/sk 2gh2 elgnvk+pp)gj +e zone, refers to the range of distances a planet can be from the Sun, which leads to conditions on the planet being suitable for water to remain liquid. Earth's position in this zone allows for water to remain in a liquid state, while Saturn's distance from the Sun places it outside this jg/u+;8) vdkg2k hnep+ sg2l pzone, making it too cold for liquid water to exist. Choice C is correct.

Choice A is incorrect because the Goldilocks zone refers to liquid water, not all three states. Choice B is incorrect, as the presence or absence of rings is not a determining factor for whether a planet is in the habitable zone. Both Earth and Saturn have distinct characteristics, but the habitable zone concept primarily focuses on the presence of liquid water on the surface. Choice D is incorrect as the sun is visible from both Saturn and Earth and does not connect to the idea of the Goldilocks zone.




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