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Unity and Diversity A.1 Water (id: cf2e8ef59)

admin 发表于 2024-2-9 00:15:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Unity and Diversity A.1 Water,类别为 IB生物学

Which term to describe a property of z s7tjyb3 gm*8water is matched t.tb25:c/ t ,lvwpfvnto its correct definition?vlwt:t vn t,bc5f.2/p

A. Term is Exerts buoyant forces;Definition is A lot of energy is needed to turn water into a vapour
B. Term is High specific heat capacity;Definition is A lot of energy is needed to raise the temperature of water by 1 °C
C. Term is High boiling point;Definition is Turns from ice into steam at 100 °C
D. Term is Low viscosity ;Definition is Easily allows objects to float on the surface

参考答案:  B

Water exerts buoyant forces on objects which means that w:eab 1z* fet,vv-u. uyater allows objects to float easily on its surface. Objects that are less dense than the water they displace will experience an upward force greater than their weight, causing them to float. Choice A is incorrect. A high boiling point means that 1:,uzeft -vvbeayu.* liquid water turns into steam at 100°C, Choice C is incorrect. Low viscosity means that water flows easily, Choice D is incorrect.




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